Thursday, 30 January 2014

TV Advertisment Evaluation

The brief for this project was to take a Unilever product and rebrand/remarket it to a wider or new audience. Me, Mark and Dcan decided to remarket Bovril to a teenage audience, we decided this through just going over each of our ideas to see which one would be easier to rebrand and which idea sounded and looked better as a actual Ad, in the end we decided on Duncan's Bovril idea. The current audience was that of older men in their 50s onwards, as I said we remarketed it towards a teenage audience as we thought this would be easier for us as we're teenagers ourselves.

We collected feedback from everyone in our class when we watched it with them and we did this with everyones Ad, we also made a questionnaire to give out on the internet to people of our age, being the target audience, so thye could watch the Ad and give us feedback on it. Most of us decided to distribute it on either Facebook or Twitter or in my case, both. This is a link to the questionnaire that we made in our group

Personally I do believe that we managed to produce an advert that was appropriate to the target audience as we kept a clear head as to who our audience was so it was easy to think about the way to film it as we know ourselves what we'ed want to see on TV and also what would capture our interest. I would hope it had the right impact on the people who answered the questionnaire as we made sure that it was interesting enough to capture there interest, we know it had the right impact on our class as they gave us feedback on slips of paper which we then took and looked at, so we knew what went right and wrong in our Ad.

The Ad wasn't perfect by any means as there were multiple errors that we were fully aware of but we ran out of time so we couldn't do anythig about them and had to leave them. There was quite a complex problem with our continuity that we couldn't figure out how to rectify that didn't involve us going out and filming again. We did keep the mise-en-scene relevant to our Ad as we knew what we wanted out of it. We initially had some problems with filming it as the steadycam wasn't being very co-operative so instead we found out that the tripod with its legs fully extended was infact incredibly steady so we did use that instead, but there was the fact that people point out that they could see me in the reflection of a house's window. Editing was on the whole, successful but as I said before we had some problems with continuity that we tried to fix with the editing software we had so we did our best with what we had, but we were still tight on time so there was only a certain amount we could do. We didn't have any big problems with sound, as the music we used was made by one of Mark's friends so we had no issues with copyright but with my line in the Ad we had background noise from the road behind where we were filming.

I'm in middle of saying it worked and it didn't as we had the right idea but we had lots of issues in it, mainly the ones I stated in my last point. But i also believe that it did work as it had all the right content to sell the product, and my results from my questionnaire proved that. The story in the Ad helped it, as the protagonist was really alert and awake after he's had Bovril show that that your very sharp when you drink it and teenagers want to be quick and be abke to look cool so giving the protagonist these properties I believe that it went well.

For our Ad we used the technique AIDA which stands for;
'A – Attract ATTENTION: (Awareness): attract the potential customer '
For this we made that Ad very fast paced so it would capture the veiwers interest and that they would think that the Ad wouldn't be on for long so would watch it it

I' – Arouse INTEREST: So make the viewer want to carry on watching the Ad.'

We use lots of events during our Ad to make it look busy and active.

'D – Stimulate DESIRE: convince customers that they want the product and that it will satisfy their needs.'

We used the events as this part as we wanted people to think that that could be them doing that.

'A – Promote ACTION: lead customers towards taking action and/or purchasing'

When I came into the Ad is where we promoted action as it showed me asking Mark how he was being that cool and he gave me the jar and that was ment to make people want to and buy.

The message was that we wanted teenagers to buy this as it would make them cooler and more awake, and thats what the vast majority of teenagers want to be seen as, including me. We mainly used all the things Mark did during the Ad to make teenagers want to be like him. We also used our slogan 'Keep warm, Stay cool' as a technique for this as it would capture your interest and make your want to buy it.

If I'm being brutally honest I wouldn't say it looked professional mainly because we were only given 2 weeks to finish the Ad whereas a proper TV advert would be made over months. After looking at the BCAP codes of regulation it does comply with there guidelines so therefore it doesn't pose any threat to nayone and won't offend.

I think we kept it rather close to Ducans original plan as we kept pretty much everything from the ideas that we came up with. We reffered to the storyboards a lot to make sue we were still doing the right things during the advert. We did try to do the best with what we had so the we had the best outcome for the Ad

1 comment:

  1. Andy,

    This is nicely written and I can tell you have worked carefully on it. I have awarded a pass for this task and you don't need to do a huge amount more to get it to a merit. To do this:
    - add examples of responses from your questionnaire (print screens)
    - add print screens from your advert when referring to specific points
    - be more specific when discussing areas for discussion/improvement etc, e.g., when talking about what could have been re-filmed, mention exactly what could have been re-filmed. You mention that you could have done things better but don't always say what they are.

    Good start Andy,
