Wednesday, 29 June 2016

The Commissioning Process

 As a writer your job is one of the most difficult as what you are writing is purely your work/ idea so have to sit and think about what it is you're writing and whether or not it will catch the readers attention. It is also very time consuming as you have to be in the right frame of mind to sit and write for a few hours. Different writers do it differently; some choose to sit and just go for it and others set themselves a time in the day dedicated to writing and working in general. When the writer finishes their script they may wish to sell it, which means they will have to get an agent to work with them on getting it produced. If they were to sell this to a studio they would get paid an amount depending on how much they want it. Not all writers get this treatment, but you will find all writers who have made a successful sript will get paid for it. The writer will also get paid through royalty fees when the film/TV show is shown as it was their idea.

If you're writing a script you have to mindful of what you are writing. Writers will do heavy amounts of research into what they're writing to see if has been done or someone else has already had the idea. This would cause a lot of legal issues and could end up in fines for plagiarism. They would also have to mindful that what they're writing is not offensive, racists or otherwise inclined to insult or hurt anyone. 

If the writer is lucky enough to have their script published then they will have to worry about  regulatory 
bodies such as OFCOM. What OFCOM do is look at what you have written and apply censorship, the watershed  and libel laws. Censorship is making sure that any violence and swearing would be either gotten rid of or it would simply been shown after the watershed. The watershed is the time of day when offensive or violent programmes can be shown. The watershed is 9 in the evening which means that people of the right age will only be up. Libel laws are to balance the right of free speech against protection for the reputation of an individual from unjustified attack." what this means is that if you would create a story about a real person then any real events that you use have to be very accurate especially of the person is shown in a negative light. The writer who wrote 'Wolf of Wall Street' was sued as the story wasn't completely accurate.

Script commissioning 

commissioning body who is an organisation or studio who decides what can and can't been shown on TV and what ideas can and can't be made into films.

Company - BBC Writers room 
Writers room is a very useful forum type website where writers of any age and ability can upload a script for the consideration of the BBC writers to see whether their idea can be made into a TV or not. The writers would then be contacted about the use of their script. The people who read these scripts will read the first few pages and if they're not interest it will be discarded.
Competition - Script Pipeline

Script pipeline is a screenwriting competition much like the BBC writers room which tasks writers of any skill level to submit their script with a chance of it being developed further. The current script pipeline competition that is running has a deadline of March 1st 2016 and an entrance fee of $50 (£34) [4] The person who wins the competition gets a lump sum;

Journey of a script

A script starts off as being written then sent off by the writer to hopefully be accepted to make into a TV show. Most writers are self employed and don't work for a company or institution. This means that they can work in their own time without any pressure for a deadline. A good example of a screen write is Steven Speilberg who wrote Jaws and Indiana Jones. Then the literary agent who is the person who then helps the writer produce their script and make sure that they are paid correctly and aren't conned. They also very well educated in the market and will help writers the best they can.

Script Editor:

The script editor is the person who works with the producer to make sure that the script doesn't turn into a different story or that it loses it's pace to keep it as interesting as possible. Kate Leys is a good example of an editor as she edited Trainspotting. Sometimes writers will make complaints about sctipt editors as they during this process they may end up making the script into something else. This can cause a lot of problems with reputation as it will be the writer who is blamed if the film is then boring as they cannot revoke their name from the script

More often than not the writer and director are the same person so the script will then have to go back through it to see whether they still think that they can make it in the way they want. The reason for this is that they writer is the est person to visualise what they want the production to look like. A good example would be George Lucas with Star Wars which was also controversial as the finished product was only a small part of his original idea.

The role of the writer in pre-production and production.

When the script is then finished and everyone is happy with he end product the writer will do a page lockdown which basically means that the pages are done and they are the final draft and the one that will be used in filming. The director will then go forward and work out a plan of attack so to speak. The writer will almost always be invited to the set to make sure that the production is what they want it to be. The it's over to the cast and crew to make the production a reality.

Job roles in the commissioning process:

Commissioning editors
These are the people who decide what scripts are good enough for production

These are the people in charge of making their vision a reality

Script editors
 They work along with the writer and suggest any changes 

Agents are the people who help the writers get their scripts published

The scripts writer who wants their idea to be a full scale production.

Groups of people who work in the industry to make productions

Independent production companies
These are pretty much corporations but on a smaller scale and make their own films within them.

Independent directors or producers
These people have just started out in the industry and are trying to get their names out here so they can grow

These are media groups who publicise a writers idea

BBC writers room is an example of a competition

Pre-production planning
This is when the script has been chosen and they then need a plan to start 
Director or producer involvement
The director will attend all the meetings about the script so that he cans tart to visualise what the end product will be.
Shooting script production
Thiswill be the final script used for filmingPage lock-down
This is when the writer is happy with the  final draft and 'locks it down'so that this is the one hat they will use for shooting
Adjustment during shooting stage
The film may be lacking momentum so the script may be slightly altered to increase the pace
Agent representation
IF you have a good agent then the script will have the best chance of success 
Royalty payments/optioning
The writer will receive money for royalty and this means that the better it is the more it's shown and the more money the writer will make.
Time management
A writer will have their own pace for writing a script but will be restricted when making changes.

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