Friday, 25 April 2014

Guitar Documentary Evaluation

Guitar Documentary Evaluation

Documentary Style

In the end our documentary was observational but also included interviews one as this was best suited to the topic we were covering. We made sure that when we recorded our interviews that they were sitting at an angle looking off to the left which is where we were standing and asking the questions which would give said interviewee something else to concentrate on so they wouldn't be distracted by the camera or accidentally end up looking straight at it.


I chose this topic because it's about something that I enjoy doing and is a big part of my life and I like to  think that other musicians ad maybe people who listen to music that involves guitars would be interested in this as there haven't been that many documentaries on this topic in the music world and quite a lot of people don't actually know why. I asked a few of my friends and they couldn't give me clear answer and this is where the idea came from.

Use of Camera

During the making of this video we used quite a few different camera shots to keep the viewers interest as otherwise it could become very boring. We had one camera angle for the interview itself but we had a few different ones for the shots where people where playing their guitars to give the video a bit of variety. We also made sure that the background was black so that everything else stood out.

Use of Sound

We thought that we could use the music that the interviewees played as a soundtrack of sorts for the video, we also decided that the music playing over interview would be the piece that that person had played. Also at the end of the video Jack and I decided that we would record something together to put over the end credits. This is the only audio we used apart from that which was with the recording.

Use of Editing

When it came to editing we had to obviously make the footage last for just 3 minutes as that was the criteria. We had got the majority of the video done after about 3 double lessons but then we had some small things that needed sorting which included things like the fact there were too many fades and we were advised to use more dissolves to give the video a more aesthetically pleasing look to it.

Use of Mise-En-Scene

For our video we filmed it at college against a black background and we had it lit up with some lights so we could give certain camera angles a certain amount of definition. We felt this would be best for this video as we didn't know what else we could do during the filming. I had thought of doing some of the filming outside but through the time we had to film we had one nice day and that was only a single lesson.We stuck to this as we thought this would make the video the best it could be.

How happy are you with the finished product

I am extremely happy with the end product because the way it turned out is exactly the way I had pictured it when we started this unit, the only thing I would change is the fact that we could maybe put the names of the people in the bottom left of the screen there for it would mean that viewers would know the names of the people involved. But overall I would say that we have met the criteria and i feel that we have made a good documentary.

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