Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Assessment Feedback

First submission

You have briefly described the requirements of working to a brief. The work is very basic and does not explore the terminology or relate to the industry in any detail.

You have planned a response to a specified brief by looking into the client (C4 & E4) and its existing audience and you have shown creativity in your idea, evident through the pre-production paperwork. You have not uploaded your details on soundtrack, sets and characters which is needed.

You have applied a competent response to a brief which shows imagination and for which you only had occasional assistance. You made your sets and additional sounds and had a clear idea in mind from the start.

You have reflected on your own work and on your own practice on completion of a brief. You have provided some terminology and examples but not analysed your feedback in enough depth.


GC1 & GC4
Little to no improvements made, this is disappointing considering you were working towards a merit overall for the unit.

You have now uploaded the details of your proposed animation and it shows careful and considered planning.

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