Sunday, 3 January 2016

Requirements for Working to a Brief

What is a Brief?
A brief is the outline of a task set by a managing body that need work done. This work is normally given to companies who want the work to build a reputation and to also increase their repertoire. These companies will be given a brief which they have to follow. How strictly they have to follow the brief depends on exactly what the company providing it want.

A commission is what a company is willing to give to fund the making of the video that they want to be made. For instance, if they had employed a company to make an advert they may give something like £10,000 to make the advert.

In media, tender is when a company has an idea and puts it on the internet to asks for someone to come and work for them to help make the idea a reality. The company will pick a client based on what they will work for, their experience (what they've done before) and how well it has been done.

How else would you respond to a brief?
The E4 competition is another form of brief as the company ask as many people as possible to make an E-sting and submit it so they can decide which one(s) to use. The way that they do this is by publishing their competition online which will attract more peoples.

Reading a brief:
Sometimes briefs can be very strict and you don't have and leeway with what you can do and have to do exactly what you're told even if you don't agree, but then you can have a brief that is the completely open and you can do the task the way that you want.

Negotiating a brief:
For the brief that we had we couldn't really negotiate as we weren't working personally with E4 and that that would be different in the real world as yoiu would be working closely with the client. You would probably be able to negotiate times and actual parts of the project. 

What constraints might you face when following the brief?  
When you respond to a brief there will be issues such as copyright and plagiarism. In the E4 competition we had to use music provided by them and we had to include the E4 logo. It must also not include anything inappropriate and or phallic. If it does include sch things it will not be used in the competition.

Did you have to make any amendments to the proposed final product? if so, why?
I wanted to make sure that our idea was fine to make so I asked our teacher to go through and give us the green light. Nothing in our final piece had to be chaged in the way of copyright/legal and plagiarism. In the media industry things will obviously be changed right up to the last minute but as we were happy with the final product.

There would be loads of opportunities that come from responding to a brief, you may make money, especially in a competition like E4. You may be lucky and be hired by someone for animation if the E-Sting is good enough. You maybe more likely to get further if you do a loty of freelance work instead as you will make a reputation for yourself.. 

1 comment:

  1. You have briefly described the requirements of working to a brief. The work is very basic and does not explore the terminology or relate to the industry in any detail.
